For the past couple of months I have been practicing with the Sewanee Sangha, a student-led sitting group at the University of the South. Sam Kearley leads the group with great commitment, and the university has been very supportive, dedicating space in the Meditation Chapel of the beautiful All Saints’ Chapel.

We sit for only a half-hour, but I have to say that it is a bright beginning to my day, starting with the drive to campus through the burning reds and oranges of the falling leaves, with sightings of deer and the occasional red fox on the way. Then the short walk through the crisp autumn air among the stately stone buildings of the campus to the impressive All Saints’ Chapel and the little side chapel set aside for meditation.

We always have a good group of students in attendance (depending on the exam schedule and what has gone on the night before), as well as one or two community members.

I look forward to continuing practice with this group and to seeing what develops.

In the meantime, the New Orleans Zen Temple should have some news to announce in the coming days about the future of practice there.

—-Richard Collins, Abbot